Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a strong advocate of the 2nd Amendment and free speech. But that advocacy does still have limits. I do not believe, for instance, that a person has the right to stand up in the middle of a dark auditorium and yell "Fire". While I do believe that I should have a right to say I simply don't like someone, or some group, for any reason I might have, I don't believe I have a right to express that dislike in threats or narratives of harm toward that person or group.
I have also been known to support certain types of punishment that "fit the crime" regardless of whether it might be considered unusual. I.e. for digital crimes of hacking someone's computer, just a simple sentencing of having a number of fingers removed corresponding to the seriousness of the crime, or number of hacks. In the case of rapists I'd have no issue whatsoever with chemical castration. For crimes like the inhumane mass shootings this week, the perpetrator should know that punishment they will most certainly receive will be inhumane as possible and in a public format for any others who contemplate such things to know.
In this morning's posting from Jim Geraghty, I read an interesting form of punishment for those who have supported, and encouraged, the efforts of the shooters this weekend in El Paso and Dayton.
Multiple-Causation Shootings into Single-Cause Narratives
By Jim Geraghty National Review Magazine August 5, 2019
On Saturday afternoon, after the El Paso shooting but before the
Dayton shooting, New York Daily News opinion
editor Josh Greenman observed, “It’s never just guns. It’s never just mental
health. It’s never just radical ideology. It’s never just sad manhood. It’s
almost always a toxic combination.”
We keep hearing the same kinds of anecdotes after a mass
shooting. The details change, but the gist is the same. Often but not always,
there’s no father in the home. Often but not always, the shooter has few or no
friends and nothing resembling a real support network. Often but not always,
the shooter is unemployed or barely employed. Often but not always, the shooter
has some mental-health issue, sometimes formally diagnosed, sometimes not.
Often but not always, the shooter played violent video games. Often but not
always, the shooter was active on extremist or Columbine-focused chat boards or
had a noticeable interest in or obsession with previous mass shootings. Often
but not always, the shooter has gotten in trouble in school or has been kicked
out of school.
And then in every single case, when the shooter leaves some sort
of message, it reveals he has convinced himself that he is the real victim of
powerful forces beyond his control, and that the only remaining option he sees
for defiance is shooting as many random people as possible in a public place.
And in every single case, the shooter manages to get his hands on a gun —
sometimes legally purchasing them, sometimes stealing them or taking them from
someone else.
Only a handful of those who play violent video games become mass
shooters, and the same is true for those without a father in the home, loners,
the unemployed or under-employed, those with mental-health issues, those with
discipline issues at school, or gun owners. But if enough of those traits are
found in the same individual, we have a formula for trouble.
In the coming days, you’re going to hear a lot of fruitless
arguments about which ideological side is responsible for these monsters.
The El Paso shooter’s manifesto describes America being taken
over by “unchecked corporations,” “invaders who have close to the highest
birthrate in America,” and “our lifestyle is destroying the environment of this
country,” and describes his attack as “a response to the Hispanic invasion of
The Dayton shooter’s social media history described himself as, “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” He wrote on Twitter that he would happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, “I want socialism, and i’ll [sic] not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.”
The Dayton shooter’s social media history described himself as, “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” He wrote on Twitter that he would happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, “I want socialism, and i’ll [sic] not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.”
Then again, his expression of support for Warren seems pretty immaterial in assessing his character compared to this:
Dayton 24/7 Now spoke
with other classmates of [the shooter] who said he was expelled from school
after officials found a notebook where he reportedly wrote a list of people who
he wanted to rape, kill and skin their bodies. The classmate we spoke with said
Betts was supposed to write a letter of apology to the people on the list.
After being expelled, Betts was allowed back to school, according to the
(Really? This is how schools
are handling a student who threatens to rape, kill, and skin the bodies of
other students? Re-admittance after a letter of apology? How safe would you
feel sending your children to that school knowing they handled this kind of a
threat this way?)
The ideological leanings of the shooters don’t matter nearly as
much as their conclusion that they are justified in trying to kill lots and
lots of people. You’re free to believe whatever kooky stuff you want; you’re
not allowed to conclude that your kooky beliefs justify violence to others.
Over the weekend, Twitter commentator Kilgore Trout offered an extreme option: Authorities can
determine who posts on boards that celebrate mass shootings or troll about
them, and they should charge them as accessories to the crime. (Profanity
warning at the link; the term for posting memes and other messages celebrating,
promoting, and encouraging mass shooters is a four-letter word.) Cleaning up
his language a bit, his recommendation is. . .
You’re not going to
fix the problem one white nationalist ****poster at a time. their networks need
to be destroyed by putting them in constant fear that their next ****post body
count meme is going to be the one that sends the feds to their door. Yes, this
is a government action deliberately designed to suppress speech, and no, slyly
conspiring to commit acts of terror in broad daylight on 8chan is not protected
speech after the acts of terror are no longer hypotheticals. This is what we’d
advocate for if ISIS set up shop in America and created a bunch of one-man
splinter cells ready to activate at any moment. No one would bat an eye at
arresting the accomplices – it’s just less recognizable as white nationalist
****posting. if you want to share ****posts about shooting the [offensive term
for Latinos] and gassing the Jews, go right ahead, no one’s stopping you. But
if one of your ****post buddies you go back and forth with on 8chan then goes out
and does it, yeah, you should be good and[in deep trouble].
Earlier this year, Michelle Carter was sentenced to 15
months in jail for involuntary manslaughter charges, brought after she sent
“hundreds” of texts to her boyfriend encouraging him to kill himself. She was
17 when her 18-year-old boyfriend killed himself through carbon monoxide
In this particular case, an effort to shut down the message boards may be
moot: “A San Francisco-based Web company announced Sunday it would
no longer provide services to 8chan, a website notorious for hosting lawless
message boards where manifestos have appeared before mass shootings.” Those who
want to post and read these sorts of messages will probably find some other
I find the idea of pressing charges against those who encourage
mass shootings uncomfortably appealing, even though it amounts to the
government arresting people and charging them with crimes for what they write
on the Internet. Maybe this just reflects an exhaustion with “trolling”
culture. If you spend a significant amount of time online — particularly on
Twitter — you’ve probably put up with more abuse than your ever imagined, often
racist or anti-Semitic and more than vaguely threatening. The vast majority of
us think of ourselves as a First Amendment supporters, but perhaps you can only
be sent “Trump’s gonna put you in the ovens” memes so many times
before you start thinking, “to hell with this, if this guy sending me this
message is such a big fan of fascism, let’s have the government throw his butt
in jail for what he posts and see if he likes it so much then.”
Some folks hoped that after these stomach-turning
abominable terrorist acts, President Trump would “call out white supremacist
terrorism by name. He needs to take a break from Twitter trolling for several
days at least. We need unifying, determined, presidential leadership from him.”
This morning, Trump offered to support universal background checks if they’re attached to
immigration reform.
The president also contended that the shooters were
driven by outrage over news coverage, and that it was the responsibility of the
media to watch what it says, lest it drive someone to commit mass murder in the
name of stopping an invasion by immigrants: “The Media has a big responsibility
to life and safety in our Country. Fake News has contributed greatly to the
anger and rage that has built up over many years. News coverage has got to
start being fair, balanced and unbiased, or these terrible problems will only
get worse!”
It is August 2019. I think it’s long overdue for people to give
up on the hope that Donald Trump is going to become a different person or act
differently than he has before.
As the president attempts to negotiate his preferred immigration policies in exchange for “background checks,” it is worth recalling that neither of these shooters had a criminal record that barred them from purchasing firearms. We can fairly ask whether one of the shooter’s threats to rape, kill, and wear the skin of his high school classmates should have generated some sort of criminal charge or an involuntary stay at a mental health facility that would have barred him from legally purchasing a firearm.
As the president attempts to negotiate his preferred immigration policies in exchange for “background checks,” it is worth recalling that neither of these shooters had a criminal record that barred them from purchasing firearms. We can fairly ask whether one of the shooter’s threats to rape, kill, and wear the skin of his high school classmates should have generated some sort of criminal charge or an involuntary stay at a mental health facility that would have barred him from legally purchasing a firearm.
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