Turn your toaster on it's side to make easy open faced grilled cheese
When you get on an elevator, press the door close button and hold it
down. Then press the floor you want and hold it down too until the elevator
moves. This will take you straight to your floor with no stops.
Use a dustpan to fill a container that won't fit under the sink put flat end under the bathroom drain and the handle over the side to
pour into your container.
To get the residue off your shower head, fill a baggie with vinegar and put
over the head to cover it. use a bag tie around it and leave to sit over
night. The next day the residue will wipe right off. you can use on the tub faucet too.
Use a big rubber band around a paint can from bottom across the top when
opened. It makes a great way to get the excess paint off the brush instead of using
the side of the can.
Youtube videos to wake up by
1. find a song or video on youtube 2. Pause it as soon as it starts playing 3. Right-click on any white space on the youtube page and then click "Reload Tab Every -> Custom". 4. Select how long you want to sleep/etc. 5. Awake to the sound of the video.
Hanging shoe racks, the kind with the little plastic pockets to put the
shoes in, and it hangs on the inside of the closet door? they are great for
putting on a pantry door and putting each individual bottle of household
cleaners and soaps in.
Use toothpaste to clear up headlight lens
To whiten clothes, soak whites in hot water with a slice of lemon for ten
Put a stocking over the end of the vacuum cleaner hose to find tiny things like ear studs.
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