Sunday, July 29, 2012

The future demise of the US Dollar

A Harbinger of Trouble for New York and London
click the link


Some early Sunday morning thoughts.

In your lifetime there will be perhaps one dozen major, significant, economic-landscape changing, events to occur that will alter you and your families financial destiny. The above link discusses one such event and it really hasn't been discussed in the major media, because they really don't have a clue of what the effect of this will be if successful.

So you can look back one or five or ten years from now and see that your pop saw this coming, this one action by Iran to dump the dollar as the medium of exchange for buying crude oil will be one of those "future shocks". . . . . .

Since President Nixon dumped the gold standard in 1973, the US$ has been the pre-imminent world currency. For one reason. We MADE Saudi Arabia (OPEC) agree to only sell crude oil for US$ in exchange for us agreeing to militarily (if necessary) support their illegitimate claim to a royal (and minority) dynsasty. It has also meant that every country on earth had to have US Dollars on hand to purchase crude oil in the international marketplace. This little Persian Island exchange is about to change all that and allow foreign countries (China already started) to buy Persian Gulf oil for currencies other than US$. This is global-landscape-changing. For the US$ it is perhaps not an ELE. But to use my own analogy . . .if the US$ is Mt. St. Helens before it's eruption, the US$ will become (globally) it's equivalent after blowing its top off? Get the point?

(from the article) China's Ambassador to Tehran Yu Hung Yang, addressing the Iran-China trade conference in Tehran on Monday, said that the value of the two countries' trade exchanges surged 55 percent during the first four months of 2011 over the same period a year ago to $13.28 billion and further predicted that the figure would surpass $40 billion by the end of the year.
Translated. In 2010 China bought 8.57 billion (US$ equivalent) from Iran. In 2011 they bought 13.28 billion (US$ equivalent) from them. In 2012 they will buy 40 billion (US$ equivalent) . And they "used" to have to give them US$. Now they can buy with the Yuan. Translated: China used to have to sell us $40 Billion dollars worth of stuff (at a price we'd pay) to get the 40 billion US$ so they could buy oil. Now they don't have to have our dollars because they can pay for their purchases with Yuan. Translated: China can charge more for their stuff. Translated: The US$ will be worth less. Translated: Exports will cost more. Translated: Will take more US$ to buy the same amount of stuff as year(s) before.
(Sidebar:) China has taken the step. India is next. Iran is holding out open-arms. Together China and India represent 37% of the world population.
Also, so you can know . . . .if you don't already . . . is that you CANNOT trust Washington bureaucrats to tell you the truth about much of anything. The big saber-rattling going on with Iran about their nuclear enrichment program and the embargo we have placed on them, and the threat of military action IS NOT about nuclear enrichment. Israel is the one that is most scared of them getting bomb grade plutonium. All this hoopla right now going on in Washington to try and bully-brow-beat Iran into submission is because of our attempt to mess up their steps to make this Bourse a reality.
In my lifetime, (probably in the next 3 years), the US$ will no longer be the reserve currency of the world.
There are a 3 kinds of people who make money from events.
1. Those who are smarter than others
2. Those who cheat
3. Those who are first
I'm not the brightest apple that fell from the tree. I'm not going to cheat. But I can be sure to always seat myself closest to the exit door?
There will be many, especially the middle-class, who will lose millions and years of savings from this change. There will also be some that will alter course and protect what they have and also profit from the change. If any of you have perhaps read this far, you may be saying "this doesn't affect me". I assure you it does. If you'd ever like to sit down and have a chat about it and what to do for your 5/10/20/30 year future I'd be happy to discuss with you and offer ideas. Or Not? This may not affect your life's happiness. It will affect your pocketbook and life's economic future.
Either way . . . life will go on. Families will have children. People will love each other. Some people will hate each other.  People will still sit around camp fires, roast Smores and sing Kumbyjah and It Only Takes a Spark!    God is God. And Jesus is Lord of all. Trust in Him and His faithfulness and your life will be well. But even in His daily walk, it still rains on the just and the unjust.   Some rainy days are coming.  Save up for them.

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