Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Its a New Year

It's a new year and a year of opportunities. The past year has seen the biggest stock market sell off and crash since the Great Depression. The price of oil has dropped 65%. And in many places unemployment is high and real estate prices are low. I have had partners dissappoint me and in a few cases betray me. I have witnessed by best friend and her husband endure a year of pain and struggles and shared in their pain as she has fought bravely against her battle with cancer. I've seen my children and grandchildren grow up another year. I've endured through great challenges and had tall mountains to scale in my own businesses. We drilled one dry hole and then drilled again and hit oil in another. My best friends are closer to me and my enemies are farther. I've found someone new that fills my days with many smiles and happy thoughts. And I've had to drive more miles this year, than the past four put together. I've lost 13 pounds of body weight. And I've gained a 111 pounds of happiness. I've been knocked down a few times by opponents, but managed to still pick myself up for another fight.

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