Sunday, February 28, 2010

44 Good reasons to carry a camera

How in the world did anyone survive?????

Here's a neat opportunity to enjoy some time travel.

1906 San Francisco Street Car film - AMAZING

This is well worth viewing and filmed 4 days before the 1906 earthquake. I appreciate the research that it took to date this film so be sure to read this first.....

This is not a Hollywood recreation. This is a real glimpse back into time. The film is from a streetcar traveling down Market Street in San Francisco, four days before the big earthquake/fire that destroyed the area. You can clearly see the clocktower at the end of the street at the Embarcadero wharf that's still there... The quality & detail is great, so be sure to view it full screen.

The film, was originally thought to be from 1905 until David Kiehn with the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum figured out exactly when it was shot. From New York trade papers announcing the film showing to the wet streets from recent heavy rainfall & shadows indicating time of year & actual weather and conditions on historical record, even when the cars were registered (he even knows who owned them and when the plates were issued!).

It was filmed only four days before the quake and shipped by train to NY for

Click here for a trip back in time.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Global Warming? Decide for yourself

A message to my children

I read a book a year ago that was a big eye opener for me on the whole issue of Global Warming. The book was State of Fear by Michael Creighton.

I had .. . for a long time . . felt like Global Warming was a lot of wild-eyed hysteria and probably not all that the environmentalists made it out to be. I had already studied the Kyota Treaty enough to understand why the United States had never ratified it. That treaty was a gargantuan effort to take money from
large, developed, and industrialized countries and give it to poor, undeveloped countries to "make up" for our contamination of the world's environment.

You all know me well enough to believe that I do not believe in Robin Hood government. If you take from the producers and give to the non producers, eventually everyone will have an even-split of nothing. I can also assure you that it is an irrefutable fact, that the more you tax something, the less you get of it.
And the more you subsidize anything, the more you get of it.

In the book State of Fear, the author . . . as he did with Jurassic Park and Prey and Coma, et al, takes scientific facts and then weaves a tale of what might happen when things are taken to the next level.
State of Fear is an excellent work on telling exactly how the issue of Global Warming is being manipulated for the self interest of a group of politicians and liberals and socialists governments.

I found this book review and it summarizes some of the myths that the author points out. Click here.

I'd encourage you to read the book if you haven't already. Or to at least listen to it on CD. At the very least read this review. And inform yourselves about what is fact and what is myth. The sea levels are not "rising" by feet or even inches. And though temperatures are rising in some places, they are dropping in others. And when you read how much they "might" rise over the next 50 years, it is not nearly as alarming as the media and Al Gore would have you to think. Yes. Parts of the earth are warming. But parts are cooling also. And it's been the history of this planet that temperatures have gone back and forth for many years. It's why we don't live in the ice age now.

Above all, I want you to know, and understand and believe . . . that Gore, the government, the media, college professors, Republicans, Democrats, and world leaders . . . could/might/can . . . lie to you.
Do not believe all you read. Do not ascribe to "group-think".

Form your own opinions from your own study and examination. Don't be duped into believing someone just because they seem to be the loudest voice or have the fanciest marketing program. And don't believe something just because it makes you feel either 1. scared, or 2. warm and fuzzy. I want you and my grand children
to be "critical thinkers". I want you to be the salt of the earth.

And if, in the process of your own study and examination, you happen to ever discover something that causes you to believe something that is different from my own opinions, then I want you to each feel the freedom to tell me that you're thinking something different. (that way I can have an opportunity to explain to you why you're wrong). lol lol lol (joking of course on this point).

But seriously, if you believe something is right, then for gosh sakes have the moral and intellectual courage to stand up to me or your friends or the mass and proclaim
with the loudest voice the most contrary opinion.

Even on Global Warming. Perhaps you have strong convictions about it. But if you do, then you should base those convictions on facts and not just because Al Gore made a movie about it and he claims to have invented the internet.

I love you. And because I do, I care about your futures. And I care about how you march into that future.


Monday, February 15, 2010


In the 1700’s what is now Haiti was called the “Jewel of the Caribbean ,” and supplied about 40% of the world’s sugar.

In 1791 the government of France passed legislation to phase out slavery in its Caribbean colonies and grant the former Negro slaves citizenship. Rather than becoming citizens, Haiti ’s Negro population mass murdered all whites and Mulattoes who could not flee the Island in time.

In 1804 only full blooded Negros remained and Haiti became the first Negro ruled nation. The Haitian revolution dominated America ’s debate over slavery. While both the north and the south agreed that slavery should be ended, southerners and a large percentage of northerners universally opposed having a large population of freed slaves living in their midst. The Haitian “Revolution” was fresh in every one’s mind.*

Flash forward to 1915. The “Jewel of the Caribbean ” is now a desolate cesspool, that is exporting almost no sugar. The United
States decides to “take up the white man’s burden” and send the US Marine Corps to rebuild Haiti ’s infrastructure and feed it’s
starving population.

The United States gave huge amounts of money to Haiti and over-saw the building of 1,000 miles of road, telephone lines, modernized its port, and helped Haiti to start exporting sugar once again. The US also put an end to the thousands of bandits along Haiti’s border with the Dominican Republic . The US left in 1934 at the request of the then stabilized and very ungrateful Haitian government.

Haiti immediately sank straight back into total desolation strife. In 1973 the United State once again began playing a huge role in Haiti , giving the Island huge sums of money in handouts each year.

In 1994 the Clinton administration once again sent the US military to Haiti to rebuild the Island ’s infrastructure.

In 1995 the Peace Corps went to Haiti in large numbers to train the Haitians in job skills. The US government spent almost one Billion providing food and job training to the Haitians between '95 and '99.

So when Obama says that Haiti has our “full, unwavering, support,” they have already had our full support since 1915.